7 January 2016 – Heat Wave Thursday


2 rounds:

1 lap run

10 Ground To Overhead (with plate)

10 Toe Touch Back Bend

10 Lying Twists

10 Bike Situps


Core Work:


8 minute EMOM

3 reps @ 40%

30 second Bridge

Focus on perfect form – shoulders back and driving with the heals


Option: Goat Work

Work on weaknesses

Option: WOD

“For Those Who Dare”


Goblet Squat (24 kg KB)

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (24 kg KB)

Double Unders

Pull Ups

Time: 13:31  (Rx)


13 October 2015 – Burnin’ Up

StrengthBench Press

1×10 60% (40kg)

1×8 70% (50kg)

1×6 75% (55kg)

1×4 80% (60kg)

5 Rounds

Run 400 meters

10 Burpee Box Jumps (24,20)

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (40,30)

10 Thrusters (same as sdhp)

Rest 1 minute

*rests are part of wod time

Level 2- (30,20)

Level 1- (25,15)

Time: 30:04 (Rx)



21 September 2015 – Running Heavy

Back squat
Find your 5RM (100kg)(failed on 110kg)

10 hang snatches (50,30)
400m run with medicine ball(10,7) +5 squats every 100m
10 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (Cluster)
400m run w/ MB+ 5 squats every 100m
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
400m run w/MB + 5 squats every 100m
10 bar facing Burpees bar jumps

Level 2- (40,25)
Level 1- (30,15)



Time: 13:52 (L2)

18 September 2015 – Air Force

400m run
40 air squats
200m run
20 air squats
100m run
10 air squats

Strict Press
1×5 60% (30kg)
1×3 70% (35kg)
1×2 80% (40kg)
1×2 90% (45kg)
1×1 100% (50kg)
1×1 105% (52kg)

20 Thrusters (40,30)
20 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
20 Push Jerks
20 Overhead Squats
20 Front Squats

Athlete must do 4 burpees at the beginning of every minute, including at the start of the WOD, before moving on to the barbell work. Athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps.

Level 2- (35,20), 3 Burpees
Level 1- (30,15) Burpees

Time: 13:05 (Rx)

Core Cash Out
10 Strict Toes to Bar
20 V-Ups
30 Supermans
40 Hollow Rocks
50 Sit Ups (no arm throw)
2 minute plank